Making the Leap: Consumer Tech to Enterprise Class

silver macbook on white table
silver macbook on white table


Group messaging services like GroupMe and Beluga have gained traction, with GroupMe edging ahead in adoption. However, network congestion posed challenges, particularly for AT&T users.

The startup scene resembled the dot-com era, with a focus on member counts and a lack of clear profitability models. The buzz around “freemium” models suggested a potential influx of venture capital, reminiscent of the late 90s.

Insights on consumer tech and social adoption in Japan provided a unique perspective, showcasing the resilience and adaptability of the industry in the face of adversity.

Notably, General Motors’ “Catch a Chevy” program and Apple’s “Pop-up” store demonstrated how established companies leveraged the event to engage with attendees, showcasing a deep understanding of their respective target demographics.

The overarching theme centered on three key consumer tech trends ready for enterprise integration:

  1. Mobile and social convergence, driven by mobile-first development and complemented by location-based services and gamification.
  2. Addressing privacy concerns in location-based services, emphasizing the need for user control over location data.
  3. The evolution of freemium models and the potential for consumer tech to transition to enterprise class, guided by attributes such as simplicity, scalability, and security.

Overall, the event shed light on the growing relevance of consumer tech innovations for enterprise applications, marking a significant industry shift.


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