The Ripple Effect: Assessing the Adverse Effects of Restricting Airbnb Rentals on Local Economy

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  • The Ripple Effect: Assessing the Adverse Effects of Restricting Airbnb Rentals on Local Economy

In recent years, the rise of short-term rental platforms like Airbnb has sparked debates about their impact on local housing markets. Critics argue that these rentals reduce the availability of housing for long-term residents, driving up rents and housing prices. However, a new study suggests that the story may not be so straightforward. Restricting Airbnb rentals could have negative consequences for local economic development. This article will explore the findings of this study and discuss the implications for policymakers and communities.

The Short-Term Impact of Airbnb on Local Housing Markets

It is well-known that short-term rentals can lead to higher rents and housing prices for locals. A previous study found that Airbnb alone is responsible for about 20% of the average annual increase in U.S. rents. In response to these concerns, many cities have implemented regulations to restrict short-term rentals. For example, in New York City, it is illegal to rent an apartment for fewer than 30 days in most buildings. While these regulations aim to protect local residents, their long-term impact on the economy is less clear.

Exploring the Long-Term Impact of Airbnb on Real Estate Development

To understand the long-term impact of short-term rentals on local real estate markets, researchers conducted a large-scale study analyzing a decade’s worth of Airbnb listings and residential permit applications in the U.S. Residential permits are necessary for new construction projects and substantial changes to existing structures, providing insight into the local economic growth resulting from property owners investing in their properties.

The study found a clear connection between Airbnb listings and residential permits. On average, a 1% increase in Airbnb listings led to a 0.769% increase in permit applications. This suggests that Airbnb can play a major role in supporting local real estate markets and boosting local tax bases. Therefore, restricting short-term rentals could have a significant negative impact on local economic activity.

The Impact of Airbnb Regulations on Economic Activity

To further understand the impact of Airbnb regulations, the researchers conducted a two-part analysis. The first part examined the effects of regulations on Airbnb listings and residential permits across 15 major U.S. metropolitan areas from 2008 to 2019. The second part focused on the effects of different local restrictions within Los Angeles County.

In the nationwide analysis, the study examined 2.9 million residential permit applications, 750,000 Airbnb listings, and 4 million residential sales transactions. The researchers used a research design known as “difference-in-differences” to measure the causal impact of regulations on economic activity. They compared Airbnb listings and permit applications before and after the enactment of regulations in specific neighborhoods.

The results showed a clear downward trend in both listings and permits after regulations were implemented. On average, Airbnb listings fell by 21%, and residential permits fell by 10%. This indicates that regulations have a significant impact on reducing Airbnb activity and real estate development.

The Effects of Airbnb Regulations in Los Angeles County

In the second part of the analysis, the researchers focused on Los Angeles County due to its complex housing and labor market. The county has multiple independent jurisdictions and regulations, allowing for direct comparisons between areas with and without Airbnb regulations. The study examined residential permits within a kilometer of the border between regulated and unregulated municipalities.

The analysis revealed that on the sides without Airbnb regulations, there were 9% more non-ADU (accessory dwelling unit) permit applications and 17% more ADU permit applications compared to the regulated areas. This suggests that demand for short-term rentals has been driving the creation of additional housing capacity, especially for properties suitable for home-sharing.

The Relationship Between Permit Applications and Property Values

In addition to examining the impact on real estate development, the researchers also explored the relationship between permit applications and residential property values. They analyzed residential properties sold during the study period and found that those with permit applications between sales sold for an average of 38% more than those without permit applications. This indicates that property owners who invest in improving their homes for short-term rental purposes can benefit from increased property values.

However, the study also highlights that Airbnb regulations decrease the number of permit applications, which in turn hampers property value growth. The researchers conservatively estimate that STR (short-term rental) restrictions reduced property values by a total of $2.8 billion and tax revenues by $40 million per year in the 15 cities studied.

Finding a Balanced Approach to Airbnb Regulation

While the study emphasizes the potential economic benefits of short-term rentals, it also recognizes the negative impacts identified in previous research. The key challenge for policymakers is finding a balanced approach that addresses residents’ short-term needs while promoting long-term economic well-being.

The researchers recommend creating targeted policies that meet local needs. For example, encouraging STR development in distressed neighborhoods and converting properties into Airbnb rentals can foster parallel development in nearby retail properties, creating jobs and adding value to the entire community. Additionally, a portion of the increased tax revenue generated by development could be allocated to fund affordable housing for local residents. Implementing caps on the amount of space available for STR use could also encourage the development of long-term housing alongside short-term rentals, addressing concerns about gentrification.


The impact of Airbnb rentals on local real estate development is a complex issue with both positive and negative consequences. While short-term rentals can reduce housing availability and drive up prices for long-term residents, they also have the potential to support local real estate markets and contribute to economic growth. Therefore, policymakers should take a nuanced approach to Airbnb regulation, considering the unique needs of each community and finding strategies that balance the interests of residents and promote sustainable economic development.

By understanding the long-term impact of Airbnb rentals on local real estate markets, policymakers can make informed decisions that foster economic growth while addressing concerns about housing affordability and community well-being. It is crucial to strike a balance that maximizes the benefits of short-term rentals while mitigating their potential negative effects on local housing markets.

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