In today’s digital age, attracting and retaining top digital talent is crucial for organizational success. Let’s explore strategies for attracting the right talent to drive digital transformation.
Identifying Future Skills Needs:
To attract digital talent, organizations must assess the skills needed for the future. Clearly communicate your strategic talent plan to employees to help them identify talent or develop necessary skills.
Passive Recruiting Strategies:
Engage in passive recruiting to attract employees with valuable skill sets to digitally mature areas of your organization. Place digitally savvy employees in roles where they can thrive and contribute effectively.
Tapping into the Talent Ecosystem:
Recognize the emerging talent ecosystem, including contractors, gig employees, and crowdsourced workers. Adjust your recruiting efforts to tap into this diverse pool of talent and leverage external expertise.
Looking Beyond Industry Boundaries:
Expand your talent search beyond your industry by hiring leaders from diverse backgrounds. Anchor hires from other industries can infuse your organization with fresh perspectives and a digital mindset.
Emphasizing Sector Unique Value:
Highlight the unique and rewarding aspects of your sector to attract top talent. Showcase the impact of working in your industry and tap into talent from advanced sectors like financial services for digital expertise.
Credited to Gerald C. Kane (the C. Herman and Mary Virginia Terry Chair in Business Administration at the University of Georgia’s Terry College of Business)